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11th Airborne Honor Guard for General Douglas MacArthur



Platoon C.O. - 1LT Ralph Ermatinger  (F Co.)
Assistant C.O. - 2nd Lt. James C. Watkins  (G Co.)
Platoon Sgt. - T/Sgt. Edward B. Reed  
Runner - Pfc. Harry A. Swan  (G Co.)
Runner - Pfc Robert Wilms  (F Co.)



Squad Leader - S/Sgt. John R. Bandoni  (E Co.)
Assistant Leader - S/Sgt. Wilbur Wilcox  (D Co.)
Scout - Pfc Norman W. Henning  (E Co.)
Scout - Pfc John Tkaczk  (D Co.)
BAR - Pfc Lathol L. Hadden
Assistant BAR - Pfc James Koutoudakis  (C Co.)
Ammo Bearer - Pfc Phillip A. Thompson  (I Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Edward J. Fablocki  
Rifleman - Pfc Daniel E. Bartram  (HQ3)
Rifleman - Pfc Lawton V. Baugh  (RHQ)
Rifleman - Pfc Elmer J. Trantow  (HQ2)
Rifleman - Pfc Conrad J. Laurin  (C Co.)


Squad Leader - S/Sgt. J.D. Perry  (E Co.)
Assit. Leader - Sgt. Muric B. Barka  
Scout - Pfc Paul L. Lingerfelt  (E Co.)
Scout - Pfc Richard Maraffi  
BAR - Pfc Chester N. Rich
Assit. Bar - Pfc John M. Ropar  (F Co.)
Ammo Bearer - Pfc John H. Gunselman  (F. Co)
Rifleman - Pfc Harold J. Teiken  (F Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc John C. Connel  (RHQ)
Rifleman - Pfc George M. Huston  (F Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Frederick M. Slaterits  (F Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Jaqures B. Smith  (D Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc George R. Hadac  (E Co.
Rifleman - Pfc ? Stewart 



Squad Leader - S/Sgt. Theodore Johnson
Assistant Leader - Sgt. Robert E. Turner  (HQ1)
Scout - Pfc Carlton E. Rieth  (F Co.)
Scout - Pfc James E. Ward  
BAR- Pfc. Alex Village Center  (D Co.)
Assistant BAR - Pfc Carl B. Rae  
Ammo Bearer - Pfc Charles N. Wise  (D Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Sidney Smithson  (B Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Clyde T. Johnson  (D Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Arthur B. Armitage  (A Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Tony Cusinau  
Rifleman - Pfc Ignacio A. Sotelo  (B Co.)
Sgt. Harold E. Harlow


Squad Leader - S/Sgt. Robert B. Barker  (H Co.)
Assistant Leader - Sgt. Irl R. Lightner  (HQ1)
Scout - Pfc David Reynaud  
Scout - Pfc Warren C. Hardy  (H Co.)
BAR - Pfc Edward Sturgill  (G Co.)
Assistant Bar - T/5 Joseph V. Walsh  (HQ3)
Ammo Bearer - Pfc Norwood Watson  (E Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Rex Oliver 
Rifleman - Pfc Norman Martin  (H Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc John Smith (H Co.)
Rifleman - Pfc Robert O. Henderstein  (I Co.)



Squad Leader - Sgt. Martin R. Sturn  (HQ3)
Gunner - Pfc Herbert C. Healey  (HQ3)
Gunner - Pfc James A. Schuster  (HQ3)
Gunner - Pfc William Porteous  (D Co.)
Gunner - Pfc J. V. Florey  (HQ2)
Gunner - Pfc Arthur L. Moore  (HQ1)
Mortar Sgt. - Sgt. Johnson E. Cail  (E Co.)
Mortarman - Pfc Merlin R. Twogood  (D Co.)
Mortarman - Pfc Leon F. Wiktorowski  (G Co.)
Mortarman - Pfc Ninian M. Olson  (HQ3)
Mortarman - Pfc Thomas D Tribuani  (HQ3)
Mortarman - Pfc Thomas H. Page  (I Co.)
Mortarman - Pfc Walden  

11th Airborne General Douglas MacArthur Honor Guard

11th Airborne Division Honor Guard members stand erect outside the New Grand Hotel in Yokohama, Japan to protect General Douglas MacArthur and his staff - September 1945

To learn more about the 11th Airborne Division in World War II, please consider purchasing a copy of our books on the Angels: